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A Century of Changes. 1916 – 2016 Senior students remember 1916 in style A unique model of the G.P.O. in the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rising has been created by our senior J.C.S.P. students with help from our special needs assistants Noelle and Shane 
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The Board of Management is delighted to announce that the School of the Divine Child has been included on the Department of Education and Skills list for a major School refurbishment project.  We look forward to refurbishing out building and remaining in the Blackrock parish.
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Plans for this term include a project for JCSP Write a Book where students in senior School are currently building a replica of the GPO.  Their work will go on display in March in City Hall, Cork. The School will close on Monday 29th February 
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Welcome to our newly appointed Teacher Ciara Hourihan – Ciara will bring her extensive knowledge of curricula and teaching abroad to her second level class.   She is already preparing courses for Junior Cycle Level 2 students.
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We go back to School on Monday 31st August. School Uniform is a navy tracksuit with a blue polo shirt. Pauline will have information on School Transport from Monday 24th August and she can be contacted from that date on 021 4291804 (10am-12noon daily) 
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The whole school is involved in the Muintir Na Tíre garden project. All hands on deck as the big clean up has started. SCHOOL GARDEN COMPETITION 2015  
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Swimming takes place twice a week for all students in our onsite Hydrotherapy pool.Our classes are 30 minutes long. We begin with warm up and drills, i.e kicking and arm movements. We then have an Aquafit session using woggles, these are long foam supports which 
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Senior students try their hands at exciting methods of 3D modelling. The students worked with lollipop sticks, clay, paper and other interesting materials. They created their own unique works of art.   [layerslider id=”13″]  
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A busy week for our senior students who visited the Glucksman Gallery to view the current exhibitions ‘A Stitch in Time’ and ‘The Knitting Map’. Their two favourite pieces were  ‘War Carpet’ and ‘Comfort Blanket’. ”War Carpet’ was created by Sissi Farassat an Austrian- Iranian 
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We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with our own parade starting at the school and heading down to Ballaintemple village. We were greeted with a fanfair of horns and whistles from the local community. St. Patrick’s Day
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