We are assisted in our work by friends of the school and wider community.
Garry Jones and friend Michael with Rainbow Organ
Music and music technology is central to teaching and learning in School of the Divine Child. Since 2018 Garry Jones has been visiting the school and exploring ideas for developing musical sculptures. Wings – a project commissioned by Music Generation provided some of Garry’s large scale winged creatures which pupils in the School of the Divine Child were to use in their St. Patrick’s Day Parade in 2020. The day before the event, a government announcement closed the school and the opportunity was lost.
Garry didn’t forget about the school and a year later he phoned with an offer to install musical chimes as a gift to the pupils. The chimes are played daily and the pure sound they emit when hit with a beater echoes over the tops of the building and enters all the different playground spaces used by the pupils during the day. Read more